1. The Book of M is not chronological—it jumps back and forth between pre-, mid-, and post-apocalypse as the story unfolds. How did this inform your opinions of each character?
2. Who do you think is the main character of The Book of M? Is there one?
3. Is there a villain in The Book of M? Was there one character or group that you found the most intimidating?
4. What do you think of Max’s decision to leave? What would you do in her position?
5. What do you think of Ory’s decision to follow Max? What would you do in his position?
6. What makes a person who they are?
7. Can two people have different memories of the same experience? Can we change the memories we already have?
8. What is the importance of memory with regard to love? Can you have love without it?
9. When a person loses their shadow, they lose control in many ways. Why do you think Paul became the Red King?
10. How do you think the shadowless people’s magic works? What is the relationship between their memories and their ability to reshape reality?
11. If you were shadowless, and could choose any book to become your new shadow and replace your memories, which book would it be and why?
12. Why were fiction books preferred over non-fiction books for replacing memories, and do you agree with that thinking?
13. The Amnesiac is an unusual character. What do you think losing his memory taught him?
14. Was there one piece of magic or magical element that stood out to you the most?